CSR at Evolis
CSR at Evolis
Social responsibility forms the basis of the corporate strategy at Evolis. These commitments address social, environmental, and economic issues, and always place collective interests before personal interests.

Our corporate commitment
Respecting all employees and offering them the best possible conditions for professional and personal development is what drives the social dimension at Evolis. Above and beyond compliance with labor law (hygiene, health, safety, etc.), Evolis wants to do more for its employees and provides the tools to do so!
Developing your talents
“You grow old when you stop learning.” This Japanese proverb motivates us. Maintaining this sense of youthfulness through continuous learning is essential to develop the skills and talents of all our employees.
In line with the needs of the company and the aspirations of its employees, Evolis offers its staff the opportunity to learn, train, and evolve throughout their careers. Internal mobility therefore has a role to play.
The dedicated training budget at Evolis represents a significant part of its turnover and exceeds the legal minimum. It enables Evolis employees to develop their skills and knowledge in line with their ambitions.
Access to information about Evolis as a company, as well as its products and markets, is also available via a dedicated online training platform: Evolis e-Academy.

Combining fun and work
Fun at Evolis is serious! This is also why fun is one of our six core values and why we have an internal committee dedicated to it: “EvoFête.” Pizza parties, Christmas events, product launches, internal events. There are plenty of reasons to celebrate!
We also know that the pleasure of coming to work doesn’t stop at these special events, but that this feeling of well-being is lived every day:

Team building
Workspaces and break rooms that encourage team spirit and collaborative working, annual team sports event, etc.

Flexible working
Concierge service, remote working, time off for back-to-school day, childcare center, etc.

Healthy lifestyle
Gym, volleyball court, group classes, participation in sports events with the “EvoSport” committee, massage room, nap room, etc.
An ALL-inclusive approach
Our corporate commitment is inclusive. This is why we have set up different initiatives to promote integration across the company and equity among all employees:
- For people with disabilities: workplace adjustments for optimal ergonomics
- For younger people: the “one trainee per department” scheme, trainee support in terms of employability and accountability, partnership with local schools to raise awareness of our business, etc.
- For gender mix: 41% of women in the total workforce, 25% of women in management roles
- For older workers: 18% of employees over 50 among the total workforce; promoting the recruitment of older workers
Our wish for everyone to join us on the Evolis adventure is clearly reflected in our Solidarity value. And this approach goes even further thanks to “EvoCoeur.” This group of employees conducts campaigns throughout the year to help those in greatest need: fundraising, charity campaigns, challenge events, etc.

Our environmental commitment
Whether it’s the way we develop our products or in our daily operations, Evolis takes action to limit its impact on the environment. To maintain and improve the actions already in place and to develop new ones, a group of employees has set up an organization called GreenOvation.
In the development of our products
As a designer, developer, and manufacturer, we have the capacity to better manage the environmental impact of our products in many ways:
- Choice of recycled and recyclable raw materials: integration of new materials that are kinder to the environment,
- Product improvement: development of progressive products for increased service life, ultra-efficient standby mode to limit electricity consumption
- Reduction in the amount of material used: development of more compact products that limit the amount of packaging and transportation volumes
- Optimization of end-of-life product processing: recycling and recovery rate for printers above 80%

In our daily operations
The environmental impact of our activity must also be limited in our daily activities. This involves optimized management of company buildings and the introduction of more environmentally friendly work habits.

In order to supply the water system and ensure the production of hot water, Evolis buildings are fitted with rainwater harvesting systems and solar panels. The harvested rainwater is also used for watering the green spaces.

Our waste is limited and is largely cardboard or recyclable plastic: 75% of our waste is recycled. In addition, the plastic waste from the production workshop is returned to the supplier where it is treated and reused.
We also take care to choose our service providers and suppliers based on ecological criteria (good environmental practices, location, etc.).

Evolis encourages its employees to use less polluting means of transportation to get to work, such as public transportation, bike, car sharing, etc. The bike mileage allowance scheme, for example, provides a bonus to employees based on the number of miles they cycle to get to work.

Our economic commitment
The economic activity of Evolis must contribute to the sustainable development of society. As such, our economic commitment is to ensure the sustainability of our activity, to create value for all of our stakeholders, to provide quality goods and services, and to comply with the rules of professional ethics and good governance.
Being useful to society
Providing useful solutions to as many people as possible is what drives us at Evolis. We conceive, design, develop, and produce these solutions so that they respond to specific issues that many businesses encounter. Continuous improvement and customer satisfaction guide our strategic choices, just as much as our day-to-day decision making. Being as close as possible to our customers and future customers leaves us in no doubt that we are useful to society.
It is this concept that we want to convey in our tagline: Identify what matters.
Ensuring the right balance of our entire ecosystem
We have a responsibility toward our various stakeholders. It goes without saying that we accept this responsibility, because without our stakeholders we wouldn’t exist. We therefore believe that the right model is the one that preserves each link in the chain.
French manufacturer yesterday, today, and tomorrow: preserving the jobs we have created is one of our priorities. Our only production site is located in France, as it has always been. As such, Evolis is a member of La French Fab.
We maintain long-lasting and healthy relationships with all our customers, suppliers, and service providers, and we do not hesitate to provide financial assistance in challenging and uncertain times. We make it a point of honor to choose suppliers and service providers that are geographically close in order to participate in the local economy.