Printing EMV bank cards
Case study – Finance
Printing EMV bank cards
Cairo Amman Bank: instant issuance of personalized bank cards within a branch.

The challenge
Cairo Amman Bank is an innovative bank. To keep up with the latest market trends, it wanted to put in place a solution to personalize and issue payment cards directly to customers within its bank branches.

The solution
To meet demand for new cards or replace stolen or lost cards by instantly printing payment cards with a chip that are compatible with the EMV standard.
The result
Gemalto’s Dexxis Instant Issuance solution was chosen, as it combines software, integration services, hardware, and training on printing and activating payment cards in real time. 105 Evolis Primacy printers were deployed within the branches of Cairo Amman Bank in Jordan and in Palestine.

With Evolis, Gemalto provided Cairo Amman Bank with a complete and integrated solution for personalizing cards on request, whether on opening an account or to replace cards as a matter of urgency, at the level of local branches. The Dexxis Instant Issuance solution provides a secure software platform which generates EMV data in real time and personalizes payment cards using the Evolis Primacy printer.La solution Dexxis Instant Issuance offre une plateforme logicielle sécurisée qui génère les données EMV en temps réel et personnalise les cartes de paiement via l’imprimante à cartes Evolis Primacy.
Mathieu Turquand, head of product solutions