Evolis case studies

State Grid Centrally Issues Real-Name staff Identification badges to Achieve Precise Control of Participants
State Grid centralizes badge issuance with a Zenius printer

Durable cards replace paper directory
Negotium, a French start-up, uses the Primacy printer to digitize its address book with cards including a QR Code.

Printing electrical cable markers on pre-cut plastic cards
Partex uses the Primacy system for instant printing of cable markers on pre-cut plastic cards in credit card format.

A Print shop diversifies its service offering
A Print shop diversifies its service offering.

Access control badge for a donation call center
Issue ID badge for volunteers and security staff during French Téléthon.

ID badges for staff members in India
Issue access control badges for the Indian branch employees of the company.

Instant printing of visitor badges
Badgy, the simple, effective, and low-cost solution for printing badges.

Conference Accreditation
Accreditation and monitoring access to political and economic events.

ID cards for tobacco planters
Plastic ID cards with photograph and digital fingerprint for monitoring.

Employee ID badges and construction site access cards
Avoiding fraud through the visual identification of construction site employees.