COVID-19 – Message from Emmanuel Picot, Chairman, to our partners

Dear Partners,
France has just taken important new measures to try to contain this epidemic. These exceptional measures announced yesterday by President Macron apply to all French citizens and will again, impact our lives.
In this unprecedented context, we must, once again, adapt and review our operating methods.
The Evolis Management Committee and all its managers, have drawn up a business continuity plan that will be applicable as of Monday, November 2nd. We will adjust it on a weekly basis according to the evolution of the situation in our country but also taking into account your feedback, your needs, and your respective constraints.
We will adapt our organization to maintain our activity, our production and our logistics to ensure the continuity of deliveries on all continents in order to meet all your demands. Our commitment is to continue to deliver the products and solutions you need with the quality, price and functionality you require in the shortest possible time.
Rest assured – and reassured – that we are, more than ever, mobilized, committed, supportive and agile in order to get through this crisis that affects us all, and that we will overcome this together!
Evolis remains operational, and you can count on the Evolis teams to be by your side.
Emmanuel Picot